The first thing we have to understand that the Computer (Machine) can only understand Machine Language (Stream of 0s and 1s). The codes we write are in the high-level language. Those codes which we write are referred as the Source Code. In order to convert our C program source code to Machine code, we need to compile it. The compiler is the one, which converts source code to Machine code. In simple words, you can say that a compiler converts human-readable format to a machine-readable format.
- We need a compiler which would convert the source code to machine-language.
- The GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) compiler is required for C Programming.
- But there are a number of compilers available for Windows operating system.
- CCS C Compiler
- ch
- clang
- Cygwin
- Digital Mars
- GCC compiler
- MikroC Compiler
- Portable C Compiler, Power C, QuickC, Ritchie C Compiler, Small-C
- IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a platform or an application, which is made up of the source code writer and the compiler.
- Since C++ is the extended version of C Programming, there is only one IDE required for C Programming and C++.
- Nowadays, there are a number of IDEs available like Tubro C, Turbo C++, Dev C++, Borland C++, Code Blocks.